Publishing Components

Use the publish subcommand to add or update components in a repository.

There are a couple of requirements before a component can be published.

  1. component directory must be checked into SVN
  2. component directory must be status clean
  3. HCM_URL_PATHS should be defined

HCM uses svn copy commands to publish components. This ensures a history is maintained for the component development.

Example: Publishing a new component

A new component can be published, but HCM must be told where to publish the component. This can be done by setting the HCM_URL_PATHS environment variable or using the –url command line argument. If only one path is defined in HCM_URL_PATHS, then HCM will use it as the publish location. Using the –url command line argument will override HCM_URL_PATHS.


Publishing is restricted to the current repository.

$ hcm publish bishop 1.0.0 --url http://svn/acme/chess/components -m "Initial release of bishop."

INFO:Publishing component bishop as version 1.0.0
INFO:Validating all files for component bishop are committed.
INFO:Validating component exists in component directory...
INFO:Creating component in component directory.
INFO:Searching for hcm.json file...
WARNING:Did not find hcm.json for component bishop.
INFO:Creating default hcm.json file...
INFO:Updating version...
INFO:Updating source URL...
INFO:Creating manifest...
INFO:Writing configuration file bishop/hcm.json
INFO:Adding configuration file to component directory
INFO:Committing bishop/hcm.json file
INFO:Component published

HCM will create a configuration file named hcm.json and commit it to the working copy. This file contains information related to the component.

Example: Publishing an update to a component

If a component has been updated, the updates can be published. Since the hcm.json file exists, the –url argument is not required. HCM will use the information in the hcm.json file to determine where the component will be published.

$ hcm publish bishop 1.1.0 -m "Fixing movement bug."

INFO:Publishing component bishop as version 1.1.0
INFO:Validating all files for component bishop are committed.
INFO:Searching for hcm.json file...
INFO:Validating component exists in component directory...
INFO:Updating version...
INFO:Updating source URL...
INFO:Creating manifest...
INFO:Writing configuration file bishop/hcm.json
INFO:Adding configuration file to component directory
INFO:Committing bishop/hcm.json file
INFO:Component published

HCM will update the hcm.json file with the new version and commit it to the working copy before it is committed to the component directory.

Example: Using a file for the commit message

Publishing supports using a file for the commit message. This is used instead of the -m command line option

$ hcm publish bishop 1.1.0 -F release_notes.txt

INFO:Publishing component bishop as version 1.1.0
INFO:Validating all files for component bishop are committed.
INFO:Searching for hcm.json file...
INFO:Validating component exists in component directory...
INFO:Updating version...
INFO:Updating source URL...
INFO:Creating manifest...
INFO:Writing configuration file bishop/hcm.json
INFO:Adding configuration file to component directory
INFO:Committing bishop/hcm.json file
INFO:Component published