
I welcome any contributions to this project.

There are several ways to contribute:

  1. Bug reports
  2. Code base improvements
  3. Feature requests
  4. Pull requests

Bug Reports

If you run into anything that is not handled correctly, please submit an issue. When creating the issue, use the bug label to highlight it. Fixing bugs is prioritized over feature enhancements.

Code Base Improvements

HCM started out to solve a problem and improve my Python skills. The learning part is still on going, and I am sure the code base could be improved. I run the code through Codacy and Code Climate, and they are very helpful. However, I would appreciate any suggestions to improve the code base.

Create an issue and use the refactor label for any code which could be improved.

Feature Requests

Let me know if there is anything I could add to make HCM easier to use.

If you have an idea for a new feature, create an issue with the enhancement label.

Pull Requests

Pull requests are always welcome. I am trying to follow a Test Driven Development (TDD) process. If you do add a new feature or fix a bug, I would appreciate a new or updated test to go along with the change. If not, then I will add a test to cover any updates.

I use Travis CI to run all the tests. Codacy and Code Climate are my quality control tools. Code coverage is reported by Codcov.

Travis CI will run these tools when a pull request is made. The results will be available on the pull request Github page.