Listing Components

Use the list subcommand to view information about installed components.

Example: listing installed components

$ hcm list

Component     Version      Upgrade      Status     URL
---------     --------     --------     ------     -------------------------------
bishop        1.1.0        None           U        http://svn/my_repo/comps
castle        1.0.0        None         E U        http://svn/external_repo/blocks
pawn          1.0.0        3.1.0        E U        http://svn/external_repo/blocks
rook          3.0.0        3.0.3         MU        http://svn/my_repo/comps
new_comp      -----        -----           N       -----

The upgrade column shows the latest published version available. There may be several versions between what is installed and what is published. Use a repository browser to decide whether to upgrade a component.

Column Description
Component The name of the component installed.
Version The version of the installed component.
Upgrade The latest published version of the component.

Flags indicating information about the component.

E = Component was installed as an external.

M = Component has commited modifications.

U = Component has uncommitted modifications.

N = Directory is not under SVN control.

URL The base URL the component was installed from.